Russian diplomats leave amid spy row

Russian diplomats and their families are preparing to leave the UK after being expelled over the Salisbury spy attack. Removal vans and diplomatic cars have been leaving the embassy in London. The UK expelled 23 diplomats after Prime Minister Theresa

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Why Oil-Rich Saudi Arabia Is Turning to Nuclear Power

With the world’s second-biggest proven reserves of oil, Saudi Arabia seems an unlikely aspirant to the nuclear-energy club. Yet the largest oil exporter plans to build at least 16 nuclear reactors over the next 25 years at a cost of

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Somali boy rejects role amid safety fears

A sixteen-year-old boy has rejected an appointed role as the deputy commissioner of a regional state in Somalia because of security fears. Faysal Abdullahi Omar was to take up the role in Jowhar, the headquarters of the south-eastern state of

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In Europe They’re Giving Users Control of Their Online Data

Web surfers know their online data is a gold mine, but what’s it really worth? They may soon find out. The European Union is introducing tougher rules for how data collectors gather and use its citizens’ information, and lets consumers

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Sarkozy Detained for Questioning in French Campaign Finance Probe, Source Says

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was detained for questioning by police in an investigation into suspected illegal financing of his successful 2007 campaign, a person familiar with the matter said. A special financial crimes unit questioned Sarkozy Tuesday morning in

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Sarkozy Detained for Questioning in French Campaign Finance Probe, Source Says

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was detained for questioning by police in an investigation into suspected illegal financing of his successful 2007 campaign, a person familiar with the matter said. A special financial crimes unit questioned Sarkozy Tuesday morning in

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Trump Hasn’t Called Putin and That’s Fine, Kremlin Says

Vladimir Putin isn’t concerned that U. President Donald Trump hasn’t called to congratulate him on his record victory in Russia’s presidential elections, the Kremlin said. “We should not consider this an unfriendly step” and Putin remains open to normalization of

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