Trump gives National Security Council seat to ex-Breitbart chief Steve Bannon

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Trump also directed that the National Security Council be restructured, an action typical of a new administration, and requested strategies to defeat Isis. Trump and Putin discuss `partnership` on issues including Ukraine, Kremlin says Read moreThe president named Bannon to the council in a reorganization of the NSC. The US president also signed executive memorandums on the reorganisation of the National Security Council and the formation of a new plan to defeat the Islamic State. President Donald Trump granted controversial adviser Steve Bannon a regular seat at meetings of the National Security Council on Saturday, in a presidential memorandum that brought the former Breitbart publisher into some of the most sensitive meetings at the highest levels of government. Also on Saturday, Trump ordered a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying for foreign governments and a five-year ban for domestic lobbying, in an executive order signed on Saturday.



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