Analysis: Here`s Why Pakistan Finally Arrested Hafiz Saeed

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RAWALPINDI, Pakistan ? Pakistan`s decision this week to finally detain the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks signals a broader shift in the country`s treatment of extremists. "It`s doubtful Trump actively pressured Pakistan to rein in Hafiz Saeed, but it`s likely Pakistan`s detention of Saeed was done with Trump in mind," Kugelman wrote. "Supporters of Hafiz Saeed burn effigies of President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a rally in Lahore, Pakistan, on Feb. 2. Like much of Pakistan`s establishment, Saeed was virulently anti-India, and campaigned against New Delhi`s occupation of the disputed territory of Kashmir for years. Soon after his arrest, Saeed released a video statement where he blamed international pressure and Trump`s close ties to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his arrest.



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