Speaking from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Allera is just one of many tech leaders at the conference currently exploring and delving deep into what is and what will be moving the mobile industry going forward.
One of the biggest announcements to come from the event so far hasn`t been about new technology however.
The latest smartphones allow consumers to stay up-to-date and connected with almost everything at the touch of a button, yet according to the chief executive of a leading U.K. mobile network operator, even the most-connected of mobile users want simplicity at times.
On Sunday, HMD Global ? the Finnish start-up who acquired the intellectual property required to make phones from Nokia back in 2016 ? announced that not only was it launching three new android smartphones, but that it was also bringing back the simpler, more classical device: the Nokia 3310.
"We`re definitely seeing demand from the most-connected customers that they want some simplicity in a device and be able to switch off at times," EE CEO Marc Allera told CNBC Monday, adding that there may be some consumers that want a separate phone that just does the basics.
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