Nick Oza/ 1 of 4 CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share TRUMP EXECUTIVE ACTION ON DEPORTATIONS Trump executive actions anger local activists | 1:53 Local activists voice their opinions about President Donald Trump`s executive actions.
Mexican border governors also called on the federal government to maintain security funding, and increase spending on migrant services at the border.
CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share TRUMP EXECUTIVE ACTION ON DEPORTATIONS Response to Trump executive actions | 1:00 Representatives from Puente Arizona-Grassroots Organizing for Human Rights talk to families who are directly impacted by President Donald Trump`s announcement on immigration.
In 2009, faith-based groups in Arizona and Sonora founded the Kino Border Initiative in response to a growing need for humanitarian services in the Nogales border region.
The first two, Baja California and Tamaulipas, are the border states where Tijuana and Reynosa-Matamoros are located, respectively.
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