Breast milk bank faces shortage of donations

by 3:30 AM 0 comments
"It`s human milk that gets their gut primed, it`s human milk that fights any infections that they can get.
Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption The milk bank relies on volunteers to use breast pumps to express milk and donate suppliesThe milk of human kindness is in short supply, with the only breast milk bank on the island of Ireland warning its stock is running exceptionally low.
Ann McCrea said the breast milk bank was "one of the reasons" why more very premature babies are surviving.
`Life and death`"For these tiny, tiny little ones - breast milk is liquid gold, it`s liquid medicine," said Ms McCrea.
`Temporary crisis`The health trust has described this as an "exceptional shortage" and has appealed for donors to act quickly, particularly mothers who already have breast milk stored in their own freezer.



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