Bulgaria`s new interim government finds many irregular defense contracts

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SOFIA Bulgaria`s new interim government has found that over half the defense procurement contracts signed last year were irregular and is examining nine of them on suspicion of fraud, its prime minister said on Friday. Prime Minister Ognyan Gerdzhikov said 45 out of a total of 82 defense ministry contracts signed last year breached Bulgarian public procurement law and regulations. Prosecutors have already charged former defense minister Nikolay Nenchev with misuse of his office for failing to implement a contract with Russia for the repair of its Soviet-era fighter jets. They have also charged Nenchev for exerting pressure on a subordinate linked to a public procurement order for army uniforms that resulted in losses of about 250,000 levs ($136,203) to the ministry`s budget. Corrupt procurement practices are rife in Bulgaria`s public sector.



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