Disenchanted and anti-euro Italy troubling for the future of the EU: Analyst

by 7:30 AM 0 comments
Populist surgeConcerns over the future of the European Union (EU) have increased as a result of rising populism throughout the continent with several key elections ahead. Formerly one of the single currency`s pioneers, many Italian voters believe the euro is to blame for the country`s economic downturn since its launch in 1999. "The net majority think their future is better outside the European Union, although not by much? I mean, Italian voters don`t trust the EU but they trust their own national institutions a lot less," he added. "I would say Italy are probably the most disenchanted in Europe by the single currency," Michael Hessel, political economist at Absolute Strategy Research, told CNBC on Thursday. Italy could have snap general elections as soon as June with three of the four major parties vying for power tapping into increasing anti-euro sentiment in the country.



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