In a December phone call, Trump told Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that he was "willing to play any role" to help "fantastic` Pakistan.
"Pakistan`s continuing loss of influence with the [U.S.] executive branch and Congress could result in some form of economic and travel sanctions," said analysts Sasha Riser-Kositsky and Shailesh Kumar in a Thursday note.
Washington and Islamabad share a multi-faceted relationship in areas of security, energy and investment, with the U.S. being Pakistan`s largest export destination.
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has long been a hotbed for various categories of militant groups and networks motivated by sectarianism, anti-India sentiments, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, or ISIS, are among the most prolific.
"But because the White House is committed to fighting Islamic terrorism, bilateral ties will worsen if Sharif doesn`t reign in local radical cells, particularly the Haqqani network that`s closely associated with the state intelligence agency, Riser-Kositsky and Kumar said.
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