Dutch populist Wilders warns of backlash if he is frozen out

by 3:30 AM 0 comments
Wilders` Party for Freedom is polling strongly ahead of the March 15 election for the lower house of Parliament. Dutch populist Geert Wilders says mainstream politicians in the Netherlands will have to work with his Party for Freedom if voters strongly back his anti-immigration, anti-European Union platform in the country`s upcoming election, or face a peaceful backlash. That means it would be extremely difficult for him to form a government, since the Dutch electoral system all but guarantees coalitions. In a television interview Sunday, Wilders says "If voters make the PVV really big ? I`m not talking about two or three extra seats, but really big ... they will have to" work with his party. Mainstream parties, however, have ruled out working in a coalition government with him.



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