Trump`s approval rating sits at 40 percent ? 21 points lower than the average for presidents in the February of their first term, according to a Gallup poll comparison.
Gallup conducted the poll weighing Trump`s approval rating from Feb. 13 to Feb. 15 and compared it to Gallup polls conducted at similar times in the first term of the past nine presidents.
It is also 11 points lower than Bill Clinton``s, who had held the previous low after one month in office with an approval rating of 51 percent, Gallup said.
Related: Trump`s First Month Has Been Anything But a `Fine-Tuned Machine`Gallup polling when Trump first entered office showed an approval rate of 45 percent.
Gallup`s daily poll, which is based on a three-day rolling average, has Trump`s approval rate at 38 percent and his disapproval rate at 56 percent, with a 3-point margin of error.
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