by 8:30 AM 0 comments
"In part we expect the allocation of work visas post-Brexit to be heavily biased towards skilled workers, which should ease the impact on London`s economy. Fears about the fallout for London`s financial services industry in a post-Brexit world have caused some to turn to the tech sector as a possible savior. "Venture investment into U.K. FinTech slowed in 2016 which many in the community attribute to the uncertainty of Brexit. FinTech (financial technology) is an industry highlighted as a key potential source of growth for London, with the report`s authors stressing the benefits for its firms to be located near to established financial sector firms within the City of London. The agency contends that if the TMT sector was to maintain its average growth rate for the next three years, it would be sufficient to offset as much as a 15 percent drop in the post-Brexit financial services sector`s staff numbers.



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