Unilever does indeed pride itself on their commitment to corporate social responsibility and also to corporate sustainability.
Unilever is worth more with the corporate responsibility stuff than it is without it.
The part of this which interests me, and which is interesting from the economic, not finance or business, point of view is what this tells us about corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and the rather older and possibly more vicious shareholder value type of capitalism.
That then means that 3G cannot win this bid for Unilever, doesn`t it?
We`ve all heard the news that Kraft Heinz, the consumer products group owned by 3G Capital and at least in part backed by Warren Buffett`s Berkshire Hathaway, has made a bid for Unilever, another consumer products group.
Kraft Heinz Bid For Unilever Is Interesting Test Of Corporate Sustainability And Shareholder Value
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