Leftist vies with ex-banker in nail-biter Ecuador presidency vote

by 11:00 PM 0 comments
Unemployment is running high, the middle class is upset over tax hikes, and corruption scandals at state-run oil company PetroEcuador and Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht have outraged many. But should Moreno be forced into a second round, analysts expect Ecuador`s fractured opposition to coalesce around Lasso amid an economic downturn and corruption scandals in OPEC`s smallest member state. Still, Ecuador`s ruling Country Alliance party remains popular with many poor in the country that is home to volcano-topped Andean plateaus, lush jungles and the Galapagos Islands. That would further bolster the right in South America, after Argentina, Brazil and Peru all shifted away from leftist rule in the past 18 months as a commodities boom ended. He would remove Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from the country`s embassy in London by late June and take a firm stance against Venezuela`s socialist government.



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