Lindsey Graham Says 2017 Is All About Hitting Back at Russia

by 6:30 AM 0 comments
The year 2017 ?is going to be a year of kicking Russia in the ass in Congress,? Graham said.
A Senate bill to sanction Russia is likely to get more than 75 votes and Trump should sign it, he told the Munich Security Conference on Sunday.
Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, called on President Donald Trump to make a clear statement that Russia must pay a price for interfering with the election even though Democrats suffered most from the hacking.
Senator Lindsey Graham promised that Congress will press ahead with a bill to sanction Russia for interfering in the U.
presidential election, and investigate the methods it used, to make sure other countries don?t fall victim to similar hacking attacks.
?To our German friends, you?re next,? Graham said.



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