Loophole Lets Criminals Buy Untraceable `Ghost Guns` Online

by 5:30 PM 0 comments
"Police say criminals are well aware of the availability of "ghost guns," and they`ve been used in shootings across the country, from Maryland to California. Jeff Rossen, NBC News national investigative correspondent, went online to see how easy it would be to order these gun kits. The guns are built from kits and arrive in pieces, so under existing law, when they`re shipped, they aren`t guns. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D.-N.Y., is trying to pass legislation that would ban people from buying untraceable "ghost gun" kits that allow people to make firearms without serial numbers. Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed How Untraceable `Ghost Guns` Are Bought and Sold Online 2:12 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogA legal loophole means that anyone, including criminals, can order a so-called "ghost gun" off the web without a background check - a gun with no serial number that can`t be traced.



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