North Korea Kim Jong-nam killing: Malaysia recalls Pyongyang envoy

by 9:30 PM 0 comments
Image copyright AFP Image caption The murder of Kim Jong-nam in Kuala Lumpur last week has sparked a diplomatic rowMalaysia has recalled its envoy to Pyongyang in an escalating row over the killing of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea`s leader Kim Jong-un.
Kim Jong-nam died in mysterious circumstances last week at a Kuala Lumpur airport - police believe he was poisoned while waiting for a flight.
Over the last week Malaysia has refused to accede to North Korean demands to release Mr Kim`s body into their custody without an autopsy.
Malaysia was one of very few countries to maintain diplomatic relations with North Korea, but this killing has strained ties.
Despite widespread speculation that North Korea was behind the killing, there has been no definitive evidence and Pyongyang has made no public comment on the issue so far.



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