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PhotoHONG KONG ? After Kim Jong-un?s half brother, Kim Jong-nam, was killed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, South Korean officials were quick to blame the North Korean leader. Kim Won-hong, purged in 2017General Kim, the head of North Korea?s secret police, was considered Kim Jong-un?s right hand man, but he was dismissed on charges of corruption and abuse of power. Kim Yong-jin, executed in 2016Mr. Kim, the deputy premier for education, had apparently annoyed Kim Jong-un for showing ?disrespectful posture? during a meeting with the North Korean leader. The cruelties inside the police state, often reported by defectors, led to news reports speculating that the North Korean leader may have had his uncle torn apart by ravenous dogs. A South Korean think tank, the Institute for National Security Strategy, released a report recently saying that Mr. Kim had ordered the execution of 340 people since coming to power in 2011.



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