Ross Pledges to Fix Nafta, Get Tough With China on Trade Rules

by 6:30 PM 0 comments
?There?s not a lot of point making trade deals if you don?t enforce them,? Ross said in an interview with Bloomberg Television.
To announce enforcement measures as soon as they are readyThe U.
will pursue ?tougher enforcement? of existing trade rules with China and other nations, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said ahead of President Donald Trump?s speech to Congress on Tuesday night.
As a private-equity investor, Ross restructured companies across a range of industries including steel, banking and textiles.
Ross said that specific measures against China would be announced ?as soon as we have a proper case prepared.
? Trump?s administration will also ?fix Nafta and make it a fair deal, not just a free-trade deal,? he said.
The billionaire businessman will be one of the most seasoned business leaders on Trump?s economic team.



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