Sears, Kmart add to defections from Trump brands amid controversy over ethics

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Separately, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday that Nordstrom sales of Ivanka Trump`s brand had dropped sharply before the retailer discontinued sales this week. The developments were the latest in a week of controversy swirling around commercial activity connected to the Trump name. Sears and its wholly owned subsidiary, Kmart, disclosed their decision on Saturday, saying it was part of a push to focus their online business on the most profitable items. Trump-branded consumer products have suffered new blows, with U.S. retailers Sears Holdings Corp. and Kmart Corp. discontinuing online sales of 31 Trump Home items, while new details emerged showing sales of Ivanka Trump`s brand fell in the weeks before Nordstrom Inc. stopped carrying her products. And the moves may be a rare sign of companies taking calculated risks in making business decisions that might invite criticism from President Donald Trump`s Twitter account.



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