Snowden `Not Afraid` of Being Returned to U.S. From Russia

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Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed Exclusive: Russia is Considering Offering Snowden as a `Gift` to Trump 2:26 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogEdward Snowden says he is "not afraid" of being returned to the U.S. after NBC News reported that intelligence officials have information that Russia is considering turning him over as a "gift" to President Donald Trump. Related: Congress Calls Edward Snowden a Liar in New ReportDuring the Obama presidency, Snowden was charged in his absence with offenses under the Espionage Act. Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed What does Russia get out of sending Snowden back? "During the election campaign, then-candidate Trump described Snowden as a "traitor," who deserves to be executed. The fugitive former intelligence contractor wrote on Twitter: "Days ago, I criticized the Russian government`s oppressive new `Big Brother` law.



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