The French are good for a revolution

by 6:30 AM 0 comments
"I am a little bit more worried about France, perhaps, what Fillon has done recently or what`s come out has not been helpful, and the French are good for a revolution," Lothar Mentel, chief investment officer, at Tatton Investment Management told CNBC on Thursday. The upcoming French presidential election gets investors more concerned by the day. The center-right candidate Francois Fillon was until recently set to become the next president of France, based on opinion poll results. As the ballot approaches in late April, the outcome appears more unpredictable after the surprising Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, one analyst told CNBC that France is the current big concern. According to Mentel, given the many elections across Europe, the situation "needs to be watched," though overall he doesn`t believe that voters will follow the populist route when heading to the polls.



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