Trump maintains hard line on immigration

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CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share President Donald Trump is making the case for his tougher immigration rules during his speech.
` USA TODAY NETWORK 1 of 9 CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share PRESIDENT TRUMP GIVES KEY SPEECH TO CONGRESS Trump: `Positive immigration reform is possible` | 2:15 President Donald Trump is making the case for his tougher immigration rules during his speech.
28) AP 2 of 9 CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share PRESIDENT TRUMP GIVES KEY SPEECH TO CONGRESS Has Trump kept his promises so far? (Feb.
28) AP 6 of 9 CLOSE Skip in Skip x Embed x Share PRESIDENT TRUMP GIVES KEY SPEECH TO CONGRESS President Trump gets honest about grading himself | 1:20 Before his first Congressional address, President Trump appeared on Fox News to talk about everything from immigration to government leaks.
"Trump touched on many of his long-standing proposals to crack down on illegal immigration and slow down legal immigration from other parts of the world.



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