Which countries love and hate Valentine`s Day?

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Valentine`s Day has its roots in a Roman fertility celebration, but later evolved into a Christian feast day - a fact that worries conservatives in some Muslim-majority countries. From the hardline to the downright bizarre, here are just some of the ways Valentine`s Day is embraced - or spurned like an unwanted lover...Indonesia`s condom raidsAuthorities in some parts of Indonesia have banned students from celebrating Valentine`s Day, saying it encourages casual sex. Image copyright Reuters Image caption Muslim students protest against Valentine`s Day in Surabaya, IndonesiaNo emoticons for Malaysia :(Next door to Indonesia, Malaysia has also seen a Valentine`s backlash. Image copyright EPA Image caption A Bangkok flower market on Valentine`s DayPakistan`s court crackdownThe High Court in Pakistan`s capital, Islamabad, has banned public celebrations of Valentine`s Day, saying it is not part of Muslim culture. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Valentine`s Day is sweet for some, but not everyone sees it through rose-tinted spectaclesFor the cynics among us, Valentine`s Day is an annual nightmare: everything turns pink and heart-shaped, restaurants slap a premium price on a sub-par "special menu", and Hallmark shareholders are laughing all the way to the bank.



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