Amid tensions, China and North Korea inaugurate new charter flight

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On the political front, China has called for a "dual suspension" in which North Korea halts nuclear tests and the United States halts joint drills with South Korea.
BEIJING The inaugural flight of a new charter service from North Korea`s capital to the northeastern Chinese city of Dandong landed on Tuesday, the official Xinhua news agency said.
The launch comes amid ongoing tensions on the Korean peninsula over the hermit state`s missile and nuclear tests, which it says are in response to joint drills between the United States and South Korean military.
China and the United State agreed to work together using both sanctions and diplomacy to persuade North Korea to divert from their nuclear ambitions during U.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson`s visit two weeks ago.
Air Koryo flies to only a handful of destinations and already offers regular flights to Beijing and northern China`s Shenyang city.



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