Australia Recalls Top Diplomats to Craft Foreign Policy Agenda

by 12:30 AM 0 comments
Australia is recalling more than 100 of its top diplomats to help craft a new foreign policy agenda as the key U.
ally navigates a geopolitical shift in the Asia Pacific.
Curran said the white paper would be Australia?s first new strategic foreign policy blueprint since 1997 -- though it was updated in 2003.
The recall indicates just how challenging Australia sees the current geopolitical climate, according to James Curran, a foreign relations specialist at the University of Sydney.
?At a time of significant global uncertainty it is vital that Australia harness the experience and intellect of our most senior diplomats,? Bishop said in an e-mailed statement.
Every Australian ambassador, high commissioner and consul-general, apart from those whose terms are due to expire, will be brought back for the meeting later this month to help draw up the so-called white paper with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.



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