Brexit gets off to shaky start, Brussels warning don`t blackmail us

by 2:30 AM 0 comments
Officials in London and Brussels are racing against a two-year deadline to make sure Britain has an orderly exit from the European Union, but tensions are running high.
However, officials in Brussels said they would not accept such threats as a bargaining chip.
Tweet 1The U.
`s Guardian newspaper pictured the U.
`s ambassador to the EU Tim Barrow and President Donald Tusk of the European Council under the headline, "EU warns: Don`t blackmail us.
" British Prime Minister Theresa May stated in her communication to the EU that the failure to agree on a Brexit agreement would weaken cooperation in crime and security.
While the U.
government is preparing to convert European Union law into domestic law to ensure there`s clarity for businesses and citizens, officials in Brussels are receiving negotiation guidelines from the remaining 27 countries, with talks due to the kick off around May.



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