Chances of passing Obamacare replacement improve

by 8:00 PM 0 comments
The drop in revenue reflects a big tax break to wealthy people contained in the GOP bill, which would undue several levies on higher-income earners imposed by Obamacare.
By 2026, a total of 24 million more people would be uninsured under the GOP bill than would be if Obamacare remained intact, the CBO said.
But GOP leaders now are reportedly offering to change the bill so that it eliminates Obamacare`s essential health benefits.
But that latest new CBO projection, which could be released late Wednesday night, may not include estimates of how many people would become uninsured under the House bill, known as the American Health Care Act.
That reduction represents the difference between a $1.
2 trillion decrease in direct spending and a reduction of $883 billion in revenues.



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