China sets rules on beards, veils to combat extremism in Xinjiang

by 10:30 PM 0 comments
A number of bans on select "extremist behaviors" had previously been introduced in some places in Xinjiang, including stopping people with head scarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses in at least one city.
The government strongly denies committing any abuses in Xinjiang and insists the legal, cultural and religious rights of Uighurs, a Turkic ethnic group, are fully protected.
New legislation, passed by Xinjiang lawmakers on Wednesday and published on the region`s official news website, widens existing rules and will come into effect on April 1.
BEIJING China will step up a campaign against religious extremism in the far western region of Xinjiang on Saturday by implementing a range of measures, including prohibiting "abnormal" beards, the wearing of veils in public places and the refusal to watch state television.
Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a "great wall of iron" to safeguard Xinjiang during the annual meeting of China`s parliament earlier this month.



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