China tells universities to hop to and put the hip into ideology

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Universities must make ideology classes "trendy" and appealing to young people, Education Minister Chen Baosheng said on Sunday in the latest move to tighten the Communist Party`s grip on the next generation.
Perhaps the approach is outdated, the tools are rather crude and the packaging is not that fashionable.
Chen`s call on the sidelines of key annual political meetings in Beijing follows a meeting in December in which President Xi Jinping ordered tighter ideological control in tertiary ?institutions.
More from the South China Morning Post:Chinese universities ordered to ban textbooks that promote Western valuesHow Chinese Muslims became the target of online hateDoors shut in China`s corridors of power"When we investigate at colleges and universities, we find that attention levels at thought and political theory classes are not high.
People are there in body but not in spirit," Chen said.



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