Government Accountability Office to Examine Cost, Security of Trump Florida Trips

by 7:30 PM 0 comments
WASHINGTON ? A government watchdog will examine the taxpayer-funded travel costs when President Donald Trump travels to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and the security procedures surrounding those trips, several congressional Democrats announced Tuesday.
The Democrats, citing press reports, said each of Trump`s weekend trips to his Florida estate costs about $3 million.
Trump, his staff and Abe also may have reviewed potentially sensitive national material in apparent violation of protocols, according to the Democrats.
Owner of the New England Patriots Robert Kraft, from left, First Lady Melania Trump, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Donald Trump, and Abe`s wife Akie Abe sit for dinner at Trump`s Mar-a-Lago resort on Feb.
10, 2017.
"By conducting discussions in this manner, the president enabled private citizens without security clearances to potentially overhear sensitive or classified national security information," they said.



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