Image copyright Roxie Nafousi Image caption She managed to share one less-than-perfect imageImage copyright Roxie Nafousi Image caption ... but most of the photos she felt were mundane contained a certain glamour - whether working on her laptop...
One way the Mental Health Foundation are helping educate young people is to get year-12s to talk to year-eights about mental health.
Image copyright Roxie Nafousi Image caption The type of aspirational photos Roxie usually has on her feedImage copyright Roxie NafousiThis isn`t always a negative thing though, it`s nice to feel proud of ourselves and our achievements.
Image copyright Roxie Nafousi Image caption ... or just eating breakfastWhen we scroll through our feed we want to see something that`s either aspirational or motivating.
Stephen Buckley from the mental health charity Mind says self-esteem issues can be a "gateway" to mental health problems, as we compare our real lives to our friends` "curated versions" of their lives.
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