Le Pen victory could be five times as dangerous as Greece`s financial meltdown

by 7:00 AM 0 comments
Europe could be on track to encounter a shock wave up to five times as turbulent as the start of the euro zone debt crisis if French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was able to secure victory in May, according to a team of UBS analysts.
Le Pen, who leads in the latest opinion polls, has vowed to renegotiate the terms of France`s membership of the EU and ditch the single currency if elected as the country`s new premier in just over two months` time.
Strategists at the Swiss banking giant stressed the prominence of the anti-immigration and anti-European Union National Front leader meant France`s fast approaching general election would be the most serious political risk event in the region this year.
"The systemic importance of France for the European project is such that the margin for damage limitation may well be a lot thinner than has been the case in Greece in the past or could be the case for Spain or Italy even," UBS analysts said in a note.



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