Paul Manafort, campaign chairman for Donald Trump, speaks during a Bloomberg Politics breakfast at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on July 18, 2016.
Paul Manafort, former chairman of Donald Trump?s presidential campaign, is offering to be interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee investigating Russian interference in last year?s U.S. election, panel chairman Devin Nunes said.
"The committee will seek additional information from the Monday hearing that can only be addressed in closed session," said Nunes.
Nunes, a California Republican, told reporters Friday that it hasn?t been determined whether Manafort will testify in public as well as in a closed-door meeting.
?White House Surrogate?Schiff said Wednesday that Nunes will need to decide whether he?s running a truly independent inquiry or is a "White House surrogate.?"He cannot do both," Schiff told reporters.
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