Pair Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Videos Charged in California

by 9:00 PM 0 comments
The anti-abortion activists behind undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood were charged Tuesday with 15 felony counts of invasion of privacy, according to a criminal complaint filed in California.
""Planned Parenthood has done nothing wrong, and the only people who broke the law are those behind the fraudulent tapes," Carter said.
Heavily edited videos of the meetings began appearing on the Center for Medical Progress website beginning in July 2015, investigators said.
"Daleiden and Merritt describe themselves as "citizen journalists" and investigators for the nonprofit, anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress.
Mary Alice Carter, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said Tuesday night that the charges were "a clear message that you cannot target women and you cannot target health care providers without consequences.



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