"The party is entering a new phase... but values behind our policy will remain similar," Terho told a news conference.
HELSINKI Sampo Terho, a prominent parliamentarian in the co-ruling Finns party, announced on Monday he would run for the helm of his eurosceptic party, saying he offered continuity amid fears that a leadership change could break up the three-party government.
(Reporting by Tuomas Forsell and Jussi Rosendahl, editing by Gwladys Fouche)
Terho is a close ally of Timo Soini, the foreign minister who is stepping down from the party`s helm after 20 years - a move which may pave the way for a more radical leadership in the second-largest party in the Finnish parliament.
Anti-immigration hardliner Jussi Halla-aho, a member of the European Parliament seen as having a strong support for the post, is yet to confirm his candidacy for the party congress vote, due in June.
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