Syria war: 2016 was the worst year for Syrian children, says Unicef

by 11:30 PM 0 comments
Image copyright AFP Image caption More children died in 2016 than in any other of the previous five years of civil warSyria`s children "hit rock bottom" in 2016, with more killed than in any other year of the civil war, Unicef has said.
"Last week, Save the Children warned millions of Syrian children could be living in a state of "toxic stress", which the charity feared may become irreversible without immediate help.
"Image copyright Reuters Image caption Some six million children are relying on humanitarian aid after six years of warSix million children are now relying on humanitarian aid due to the civil war, which has been raging for six years this week.
Unicef also believes more than 850 children were recruited to fight.
"Millions of children in Syria come under attack on a daily basis, their lives turned upside down.



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