Telcos Celebrate Spring Thaw in Washington as GOP Scraps Rules

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Some of Washington?s most persistent lobbyists are racking up big wins, as regulators, members of Congress and even President Donald Trump embrace priorities expressed by the biggest communications companies.
AT&T Inc.
and Comcast Corp.
argued that it was unfair that they be subjected to rules that don?t apply to web companies such as Facebook Inc.
and Google, which are beyond the FCC?s jurisdiction.
Changes Under Republican FCC Seen Leading to TV Deal Frenzy?It?s pretty simple, really,? said Randolph May, president of the free-market policy group Free State Foundation.
?It?s spring in Washington, D.
, and the temperature is getting warmer and more friendly,? said Roger Entner, a communications industry analyst at Recon Analytics LLC.
Republicans in Congress have been hostile to the rule, which requires broadband providers to treat all web traffic equally, and may seek to overturn it through legislation.



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