Trump Administration Seeks Halt to Clean Power Plan Review

by 12:30 AM 0 comments
Trump, who famously called climate change a hoax in a 2012 tweet, on Tuesday signed an executive order that starts unraveling a raft of rules and directives to combat climate change.
President Donald Trump took yet another step toward dismantling his predecessor?s climate change legacy, asking a federal appeals court halt its review of carbon-emission rules for power plants.
That?s now been followed by a bid to temporarily place on hold a 26-state suit challenging the centerpiece of President Barack Obama?s environmental agenda -- the Clean Power Plan -- so the new administration can dismantle it ahead of a ruling on its legality.
Trump has said he wants a smaller EPA as part of his proposal for sweeping cuts to federal environmental programs, including climate change research.
The request is the strongest sign yet that the U.
may back away from Obama?s commitment to a 197-nation climate change accord, though the White House hasn?t taken that step.



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