Trump to Order Study of `Trade Abuse` Contributing to Deficits

by 9:30 PM 0 comments
He said the findings, which also will cover currency misalignments and "constraints" imposed by the World Trade Organization, will help guide Trump?s trade policies.
President Donald Trump will order on Friday a comprehensive study to identify every form of ?trade abuse? that contributes to U.
deficits with foreign countries, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said.
Trump also will take steps to toughen enforcement of trade penalties just a day after announcing the date for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, leader of the country Trump has blamed most frequently for trade deficits and job losses.
The White House on Thursday also distanced itself from a document suggesting it was softening its goals for a renegotiation of Nafta.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday said the letter ?is not an accurate statement of where we are at this time.



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