Former national security adviser Michael Flynn initially failed to tell the government ethics office and the White House about recent speaking fees he received from three Russia-connected firms, a new financial disclosure document shows.
The documents also appear to show that Volga-Dnepr Airlines and Kaspersky Government Security Solutions, Inc., each paid Flynn $11,250 after commission.
The White House on Friday released both the initial and the amended filing as part of a batch of financial disclosures from key administration staff.
But in the amended disclosure, dated Friday, Flynn names RT and at least two other Russia-linked firms as sources of income in a section for nongovernment earnings that exceed $5,000 in a year.
The new disclosure also shows Flynn was compensated by political groups, government contractors, technology firms and the FBI, which paid him a $5,000 consultancy fee.
Michael Flynn Initially Failed to Disclose Payments from Russia-Linked Firms, Docs Show
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