South Korean Software Tycoon Leads in Latest Presidential Polls

by 5:30 AM 0 comments
South Korea’s presidential election next month is turning into a two-horse race between two former liberal allies, after Ahn Cheol-soo overtook Moon Jae-in in the latest polls.
Ahn led Moon 36.
8 percent to 32.
7 percent in a Yonhap News/KBS survey taken over the weekend and released Sunday.
Another survey by the Chosun Ilbo newspaper showed Ahn was favored by 34.
4 percent of respondents, compared with 32.
2 percent for Moon.
The Yonhap/KBS poll was conducted by Korea Research Center on 2,011 voters and had a margin of error of 2.
2 percentage points.
While both results are based on a hypothetical contest involving several candidates in the May 9 election, the surveys also showed that Ahn would beat Moon in a two-way contest.
The election was triggered by the removal from office of Park Geun-hye amid a graft scandal.
Hong Joon-pyo, of Park’s conservative Liberty Korea Party, was a distant third in both polls, failing to get double-figure support.
Conservative voters appear to be gravitating toward Ahn, a technology tycoon-turned-politician of the centrist People’s Party, who has been taking a tougher line on North Korea than Moon, the left-leaning nominee of the Democratic Party of Korea.
Ahn has expressed support for the deployment of a U.
missile-defense system on South Korean soil, while Moon has said he would review its installation even as tensions with North Korea mount.
Moon, 64, a former human rights lawyer, was the runner-up to Park in 2012 elections.
Ahn, 55, the millionaire founder of an antivirus software startup, supported Moon in that campaign after dropping out of the race a month before the election.



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