Trader poll: Which of the following are least likely when Trump visits China?

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The lead up to U.
President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping`s first meeting in Florida might have been tense but both leaders came away from last week`s summit seemingly optimistic about the future of U.
-China ties.
During the two-day summit, which focused on bilateral trade issues and military cooperation, Trump commented on the "tremendous progress" the U.
had made with China.
His remarks came despite campaign accusations about China stealing jobs in the U.
and manipulating its currency.
Xi responded by welcoming U.
participation in China`s "One Belt One Road" development project and extending an invitation to Trump to visit China.
While no detailed plans have been drawn up, both parties came away from the summit with a 100-day plan that would involve discussions about reducing the U.
trade deficit with China.
This takes place against the thorny issue of North Korea`s advancing nuclear program: China opposes the U.
deployment of an anti-missile system in South Korea.
The hermit state has launched several missile tests this year and most recently took issue with the U.
missile strike on an airbase in Syria last Friday.
Meanwhile, in response to the increased tensions in the region, the U.
has responded by sending an aircraft carrier group close to the Korean peninsula.



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