Brexit impasse could mean months of flight cancellations, warns Ryanair

by 2:30 AM 0 comments
The EU`s open skies agreement allows for all transatlantic routes to be opened up to EU and U.
Ryanair has been one of the most vocal firms against the U.
`s decision to leave the European Union.
The Irish airline operates widely across the continent.
Its chief executive officer, Michael O`Leary, has said that the airline is "pivoting" its operations towards Europe in the aftermath of Brexit.
`s Department for Transport has previously replied to these concerns in February.
It said it was committed to getting the "best deal possible" from EU exit negotiations.
"We will work closely with the international aviation community to ensure that this global industry continues to be a major success story for the U.
economy," the department said, according to the Financial Times.
Sorahan from Ryanair said: "Our biggest concern is that we have no certainty as we roll into this time next year and we are in a position where we`re in 12 months we have to start loading our summer schedule for 2019.
" Meanwhile over the weekend, British Airways saw massive disruption after its IT systems collapsed.
However, Sorahan said that Ryanair has invested "an awful lot of money" into its IT systems and it is confident on their reliability.
"What happened to them appears to have been a hardware which was impacted by a power surge.
We have our critical data over a number of data centers, so if one goes down, it would fall over to the other centers," Sorahan explained.
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