Catholics see Trump-Pope meeting as harbinger of common ground

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As the world watched, President Trump and Pope Francis — two leaders with enormous megaphones, outsider personas and diametrically opposed views — found common ground Wednesday on issues such as the sanctity of life, religious freedom and peaceful coexistence.
By all accounts, the president and the pontiff tabled their public squabbles on immigration, unbridled capitalism, the death penalty, the arms trade and social safety nets.
 The hastily arranged encounter at the Vatican lasted no more than 30 minutes.
Have the pope and president, who previously lambasted each other`s rhetoric as "not Christian" and "disgraceful," respectively, turned over a new leaf? Wednesday`s meeting on Francis` home court sent mixed messages, according to Catholic leaders and parishioners across the country.
"Clearly these are two men that can (in the words of the pontiff) `meet one another doing good,`" said Grazie Pozo Christie, a policy adviser for The Catholic Association, a national group dedicated to defending Catholic values.
  Related: "Both are committed to fighting totalitarian ideologies that lack a fundamental respect for personal liberty and the rights of conscience," she added.
In one endearing, yet politically loaded moment, the spiritual leader of America`s 70-plus million Catholics gifted Trump his writings on the family and the joy of the gospel, along with a copy of his 2015 encyclical, which criticizes world superpowers for not addressing man-made climate change.
  Throughout his campaign, Trump disparaged scientific research linking human economic activity to global warming.
As president, he has recommended axing many environmental regulations.
  "Well, I`ll be reading them," the president told the pope, upon receiving the volumes.
Francis also presented Trump with an olive tree medallion, urging him in Spanish to embody the symbol of peace.
"We can use peace," Trump replied.
Later, the president tweeted: "I leave the Vatican more determined than ever to pursue peace in our world.
" Just days earlier, he had signed a nearly $110 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia.
  Six in 10 white Catholics supported Trump in November, according to a Pew analysis of exit polls.
By April, Trump`s approval rating among that group dipped slightly to 53%; his approval rating among Hispanic Catholics declined to 15%.
Despite the president`s actions to protect religious speech and defund programs that provide abortions, he doesn`t embody Catholic values by uplifting those living on the margins, according to Mary "Mimi" C.
Boudart, a Catholic divorce lawyer in Wilmington, Del.
"Maybe someone will summarize it for him," she said of the pope`s present.
At times discordant, the relationship between Trump and Pope Francis has evolved into one of cooperation by necessity, some national Catholic leaders say.
 The thrice-married real estate tycoon has a penchant for gold-plated everything.
The pope, meanwhile, embraces the poor and talks about building bridges, not walls.
A Ford Focus escorted him Wednesday.
Peter Gathje, a lifelong Catholic and an associate dean for curriculum and instruction at Memphis Theological Seminary, hoped Trump engaged in productive conversations with the pope and learned from his perspective.
In a larger meeting of officials, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, encouraged Trump not to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord.
"Climate change is a global concern.
It`s not just a concern of an individual nation .
"And I think that is exactly what the Trump Administration has thus far failed to recognize.
" "The very existence of human life is at stake," he added, from the treatment of refugees to the use of nuclear weapons.
It`s unrealistic to think that Trump and Pope Francis would see eye-to-eye on everything during their first face-to-face meeting, according to Tom Riello, theology chair of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School in Alabama.
But they did make inroads.
"Certainly the Trump administration has advocated for legislation and a judiciary that would respect freedom of conscience," Riello said, noting that the pope delayed his weekly address in St.
Peter`s Square to accommodate the Trump visit.
  Trump sat down with the Pope as part of a nine-day foreign tour that took him to Saudi Arabia and Israel to encourage the world`s three major religions to cooperate against extremism.
  There was much speculation in national media reports over an awkward photograph released Wednesday that showed Trump beaming next to his wife and daughter, who appeared dressed for a funeral, while the pontiff stood stonefaced.
In reality, Pope Francis wore the same vacant expression during a photo op at the Vatican in 2014 with then-president Barack Obama.
And the long black dresses and veils worn by Melania and Ivanka Trump are considered traditional Vatican garb.
Describing the meeting as "cordial," the Vatican in a statement expressed hope for a "serene collaboration" between the U.
government and the Catholic Church on issues like health care, education and immigrant assistance.
  Carl Anderson, CEO of the Knights of Columbus, read between the  lines: "In other words, tone down the rhetoric and try to be productive.
" "What is really important is the recognition that we have common ground," explained Anderson, who leads the worldwide Catholic men`s organization.
"And where we have a gap we are going to work respectfully to narrow that gap.
" Already, the Catholic Church hierarchy has opposed Trump`s efforts to penalize cities that provide sanctuary for illegal immigrants.
Conference of Catholic Bishops also openly rebuked Trump`s proposed budget, citing his administration`s outsized spending on defense while slashing funding for diplomacy and international development, along with health care, nutrition and anti-poverty programs benefiting the world`s most vulnerable.
The conference did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.
Before leaving, Trump gave the pope a bronze sculpture titled "Rising Above," along with a first-edition set of the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr.
`s five books, including the 1958 Stride Toward Freedom.
The Alabama NAACP swiftly rejected the gesture.
"Stride Toward Freedom describes the conditions that African Americans endured during the Jim Crow era, which it seems ‘Trumpism’ and the white capitalist in the White House are trying to send us back to," Alabama NAACP President Bernard Simelton said in a statement.
But several church leaders said Catholicism`s teachings on solidarity and subsidiarity empower local communities and families, more so than the federal government, to be their "brother`s keeper.
"  Related: "Good people can disagree on the best ways to make that happen," Riello of Alabama said.
"But I think that`s what (Trump`s) new budget is aiming to get at.
" Brian Burch, president of Catholic Vote, a national Catholic advocacy group, agreed that Trump`s proposed cuts aren`t antithetical to religious doctrine.
"People are best cared for by the people closest to them," he said.
"When you remove that responsibility .
you`ve removed from that community the thing that makes it a community.
" Contributing: Holly Meyer, The Tennessean.
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