Forget New York or San Francisco, Chinese investors are looking at balmy Miami

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Chinese investors are looking to Florida    Wednesday, 24 May 2017 | 10:00 PM ET | 02:28 Despite tight capital control measures from Beijing, Miami is emerging as a cheaper buying destination in the U.
for Chinese investors, Peggy Fucci, CEO of real estate broker OneWorld properties told "Squawk Box" on Thursday.
The city has remained a hot property for mainland investors even as Chinese regulators fined prominent brokerages Citic Securities, Haitong Securities, and Guosen Securities this week as a part of long-term capital control efforts in the country.
"I don`t think that`s going to stop the investment," Fucci said, referring to Beijing`s efforts of cleaning up China`s financial sector.
"I think that the U.
real estate will continue to be that safe haven and that the Chinese will always look into it.



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