Markets have been nervous over the past few days after President Trump told former FBI director James Comey to "let go" a key investigation. Such revelations have raised questions over a potential impeachment.
The Dow saw its worst trading day of 2017 last week and investors chose safe havens such as the yen and gold.
The tone Trump strikes in Brussels will determine market performance, but strategists do not expect major negative reactions.
"Of course we can`t predict the unpredictable, and there`s been no shortage of that with this president," Tim Hayes, chief investment strategist at Ned Davis Research, told CNBC via email.
"But thus far Trump has been more measured in his foreign policy interactions than many had expected, so a negative market response is a low probability," he said.
"A more likely negative influence would be another bombshell on the domestic front, increasing the expectations for impeachment proceedings. Otherwise the stock market will be more likely to be driven by fundamentals, such as the monetary environment and the outlook for economic and earnings outlooks, all of which remain bullish," Hayes explained.
Didier Borowoski, head of macro-economic research at Amundi, told CNBC via email that "Donald Trump`s visit to Europe does not change anything for European investors. The cyclical recovery in the eurozone is fuelled by domestic factors and accommodative monetary conditions.
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