The guy who invented Android thinks he now has the solution to the biggest problem with smart homes.
Playground Global CEO and the head of Essential, Andy Rubin, discussed his new "Essential Home" product during the Code Conference on Tuesday evening, and explained why it`s going to be better than the Amazon Echo, Google Home and other smart home gadgets on the market.
Rubin`s trick is to get all of these products to work together with his device, a hockey puck-looking orb with a 5.6-inch circular display that may one day sit inside your house.
"One of the problems in the home is a UI (user interface) problem, there`s too many things to interact with in your home," Rubin said. "One of the things Android helped people do is make it real easy to write a mobile app. So the guy building your doorbell is writing a mobile app for it. The guy who built the deadbolt [has a mobile app.
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