US, Europe discuss new laptop ban on flights

by 2:00 AM 0 comments
and European officials will discuss Wednesday plans to broaden a U.
ban on in-flight laptops and tablets to include planes from Europe.
The move would create logistical chaos on the world`s busiest corridor of air travel — as many as 65 million people a year travel between Europe and North American on over 400 daily flights, many of them business travelers who rely on their electronics to work during the flight.
The ban would dwarf in size the current one, which was put in place in March and affects about 50 flights per day from 10 cities, mostly in the Middle East.
Airlines have said it is merely a matter of time before the ban is put in place, but the prospect has alarmed officials in the European Union, who want to know more about any new threats and the disruption such a move would create.
There is also the question of the relative safety of keeping in the cargo area a large number of electronics with lithium batteries, which have been known to catch fire.



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