The first to come of age in the internet era, millennials may be the most scrutinized generation in history. But whether you believe they will save us all or they`re the worst workers in the history of the world, the unquestionable truth is that millennials — the oldest of whom are now in their mid-30s — are rapidly taking over in the leadership ranks.
As they barrel on toward the C-suite, will millennials` leadership style be a radical change in the way we work? Or are their leadership styles and values more traditional than they seem?
To find out the answer, Ron Williams, former CEO of Aetna and now the head of his own consulting company, RW2 Enterprises, commissioned The Conference Board and global leadership company DDI, to conduct a unique piece of research comparing millennial leaders to older generations of leaders and to current CEOs.
The results revealed in "Divergent Views/Common Ground: The Leadership Perspectives of C-Suite Executives and Millennial Leaders" were surprising: Millennial leaders didn`t live up to many of the common assumptions about how their generation is going to lead.
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